links for 2011-09-21

22 09 2011

links for 2011-09-16

17 09 2011
  • In this two-part tutorial you will learn how to get started with the development of Seam applications with RichFaces using Eclipse with JBoss Tools. In the 1st part we've set up our environment, created, and run an empty shell Seam application. In this 2nd part we will create a simple web page with a table presenting data on multiple pages using Ajax (a RichFaces component) and its model stored as a POJO Component in the Seam Conversation scope. I assume that you already have some basic knowledge of Seam and JSF, for instance that you know what a Component or the Conversation scope are. I'll present my path to this goal with all the mistakes so that you too can learn from them.

    My aim in this tutorial series is to create a Seam portlet displaying data in a paged (and ideally also sortable and filterable, but lets be realistic) table running in the Liferay portal.

links for 2011-09-15

16 09 2011

links for 2011-09-13

14 09 2011
  • $ split -b 1394786 big.log
    $ ls -1 x*


    Split creates its output files in decreasing alphabetic order. Thus when you list them in the shell they are in the order in which
    they were split. As such, you can simply use cat to merge the files. (Thanks to Paul and Davidov for pointing out my for loop was superfluous.)

    $ cat x* >merged.big.log
    $ ls -l *.log
    -rw-rw-r– 1 brock brock 175743061 Oct 12 22:08 big.log
    -rw-rw-r– 1 brock brock 175743061 Oct 12 01:11 merged.big.log
    $ diff merged.big.log big.log
    $ md5sum *.log
    47de08911534957c1768968743468307 big.log
    47de08911534957c1768968743468307 merged.big.log

    (cat works for files created with hjsplit, too)

links for 2011-09-09

9 09 2011

links for 2011-08-26

27 08 2011

links for 2011-08-17

18 08 2011

links for 2011-08-16

17 08 2011
  • In CSS, pattern matching rules determine which style rules apply to elements in the document tree. These patterns, called selectors, may range from simple element names to rich contextual patterns. If all conditions in the pattern are true for a certain element, the selector matches the element.

    The case-sensitivity of document language element names in selectors depends on the document language. For example, in HTML, element names are case-insensitive, but in XML they are case-sensitive.

  • <style>
    a:link { color: #000099; text-decoration: none;}
    a:visited { color: #CCC; text-decoration: none;}
    a:active { color: #666; text-decoration: none;}
    a:hover { color: #000; text-decoration: underline;}
  • Once a Swing component has been realized, all code that might affect or depend on the state of that component should be executed in the event-dispatching thread.
  • There are 3 ways to terminate a thread:

    The thread has finished the work it is designed to do, and exits the run() method naturally.
    The thread has received an interruption signal, while doing its work. It decides to not continue with work and exits the run() method. It may also decide to ignore the signal and continue to work.
    The thread has been marked as daemon thread. When the parent thread who created this thread terminates, this thread will be forcefully terminated by the JVM.

  • In a Swing application, most of the processing takes place in a single, special thread called the event dispatch thread.

    This thread becomes active after a component becomes realized : either pack, show, or setVisible(true) has been called. When a top level window is realized, all of its components are also realized. Swing is mostly single-threaded : almost all calls to realized components should execute in the event dispatch thread. The thread-safe exceptions are

    some methods of JComponent : repaint, revalidate, invalidate
    all addXXXListener and removeXXXListener methods
    all methods explicitly documented as thread-safe

  • System.exit should be used with care. The normal method of terminating a program is to terminate all user threads.

    Cases in which System.exit is appropriate :

    utility scripts
    GUI applications, in which the event dispatch user thread is created in the background. Here, the program may be terminated by calling System.exit, or, for example, by setting :


    From Sun's Portability Cookbook :

    "The System.exit method forces termination of all threads in the Java virtual machine. This is drastic….System.exit should be reserved for a catastrophic error exit, or for cases when a program is intended for use as a utility in a command script that may depend on the program's exit code."

  • // :
    // The safe way to stop a thread.
    // From 'Thinking in Java, 3rd ed.' (c) Bruce Eckel 2002
    // See copyright notice in CopyRight.txt.

    import java.util.Timer;
    import java.util.TimerTask;

    class CanStop extends Thread {
    // Must be volatile:
    private volatile boolean stop = false;

    private int counter = 0;

    public void run() {
    while (!stop && counter < 10000) {
    if (stop)
    System.out.println("Detected stop");

    public void requestStop() {
    stop = true;

    public class Stopping {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    final CanStop stoppable = new CanStop();
    new Timer(true).schedule(new TimerTask() {
    public void run() {
    System.out.println("Requesting stop");
    }, 500); // run() after 500 milliseconds
    } ///:~

  • How to stop a Thread is a perannual question for Java programmers. Finally with the release of Java V5.0 (or V1.5), which incorporates java.util.concurrent, a definitive answer can be given. The answer is you stop a thread by using interrupt(). This article covers some of the background to stopping threads and the suggested alternatives and discusses why interrupt() is the answer. It also discusses interrupting blocking I/O and what else the programmer needs to do to ensure their threads and tasks are stoppable.
  • Here is an example of a utility Stopwatch class which can provide timings for any section of code.

    For measuring the relative execution times of alternate implementations, consider turning off the HotSpot compiler, using java -Xint. This will ensure a uniform environment for the entire duration of a program.

  • Pattern objects compile the regular expressions which are passed to them. If a regular expression is used many times, then this compilation should be performed only once.

    Be wary of the these convenience methods, which compile a regular expression each time they are called:


links for 2011-08-09

10 08 2011
  • import;

    public class Main {
    public static String deserializeString(File file)
    throws IOException {
    int len;
    char[] chr = new char[4096];
    final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
    final FileReader reader = new FileReader(file);
    try {
    while ((len = > 0) {
    buffer.append(chr, 0, len);
    } finally {
    return buffer.toString();

  • protected void processLine(String aLine){
    //use a second Scanner to parse the content of each line
    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(aLine);
    if ( scanner.hasNext() ){
    String name =;
    String value =;
    log("Name is : " + quote(name.trim()) + ", and Value is : " + quote(value.trim()) );
    else {
    log("Empty or invalid line. Unable to process.");
    //no need to call scanner.close(), since the source is a String
  • You look at Commons Exec and think "Wow – calling Runtime.exec() is easy and the Apache folks are wasting their and my time with tons of code". Well, we learned it the hard way that using plain Runtime.exec() can be a painful experience […] you are invited to delve into commons-exec and have a look at the hard lessons the easy way…

    CommandLine cmdLine = new CommandLine("AcroRd32.exe");
    HashMap map = new HashMap();
    map.put("file",new File("invoice.pdf"));
    DefaultExecuteResultHandler resultHandler = new DefaultExecuteResultHandler();
    ExecuteWatchdog watchdog=new ExecuteWatchdog(60*1000);
    Executor executor = new DefaultExecutor();
    executor.execute(cmdLine, resultHandler);
    //some time later the result handler callback was invoked so we can safely request the exit value
    int exitValue=resultHandler.waitFor();

  • Apache Commons-exec samples
  • Commons exec provides a PumpStreamHandler which redirects standard output to the Java process' standard output. How can I capture the output of the command into a String? He're what I found:

    import org.apache.commons.exec.CommandLine;
    import org.apache.commons.exec.DefaultExecutor;
    import org.apache.commons.exec.Executor;
    import org.apache.commons.exec.PumpStreamHandler;

    public String execToString(String command) throws Exception {
    ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    CommandLine commandline = CommandLine.parse(command);
    DefaultExecutor exec = new DefaultExecutor();
    PumpStreamHandler streamHandler = new PumpStreamHandler(outputStream);

links for 2011-07-08

9 07 2011

links for 2011-06-29

30 06 2011

links for 2011-06-10

11 06 2011

links for 2011-06-08

9 06 2011

links for 2011-05-31

1 06 2011
  • package org.kodejava.example.util;

    import java.util.Currency;
    import java.util.Locale;

    public class CurrencySymbol {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    Currency currency = Currency.getInstance(Locale.JAPAN);
    System.out.println("Currency.getSymbol() = " + currency.getSymbol());

    currency = Currency.getInstance(Locale.UK);
    System.out.println("Currency.getSymbol() = " + currency.getSymbol());

    currency = Currency.getInstance(Locale.US);
    System.out.println("Currency.getSymbol() = " + currency.getSymbol());

    currency = Currency.getInstance(new Locale("in", "ID"));
    System.out.println("Currency.getSymbol() = " + currency.getSymbol());

  • The locale is set during execution and is not stored in the JRXML file.

    If you run the report through iReport, it is possible to set the report locale in the Options window under the "Report execution options" section in the General tab. This will change how iReport runs your report.

    If you run the report embedded in Java, you set the REPORT_LOCALE parameter, like you mention. The following code is what I use:

    Locale locale = new Locale("en", "US");
    metadata.put(JRParameter.REPORT_LOCALE, locale);

    Where metadata is the parameter map sent to fillReport(…).

links for 2011-05-30

31 05 2011

links for 2011-05-27

28 05 2011

links for 2011-05-24

25 05 2011
  • AutoMySQLBackup has all the features I needed: it can backup a single database, multiple databases, or all the databases on the server; each database is saved in a separate file that can be compressed (with gzip or bzip2); it will rotate the backups and not keep them filling your hard drive (as normal in the daily backup you will have only the last 7 days of backups, the weekly if enabled will have one for each week, etc.). It has also some other features (check the project homepage for full details), that I am not using myself (like email logs for example), but other peoples might find interesting.
  • MySQL is one of the most popular open source database management system for the development of interactive Websites.

    If your site stores its sensitive data in a MySQL database, you will most definitely want to backup that information so that it can be restored in case of any disaster (we all have been there).

    There are several ways to backup MySQL data. In this article we’ll look at how to backup your databases using different methods, we will also learn how to achieve an automatic backup solution to make the process easier. Starting with the mysqldump utility that comes with MySQL, we will review several examples using mysqldump, including the backup of your database to a file, another server, and even a compressed gzip file and send it to your email.

  • SSH is a must use tool for system administrators. However, residing access security on a human entered password is not very wise. Script kiddies may break into your system due to a lazy user with a weak password. And it is beyond the system administrator power to make users choose good passwords.
  • This short tutorial describes how to configure JBoss Application Server (Jboss GA 5.1.0) on a debian linux (Debian GNU/Linux 5.x “Lenny” ). Article starts with installation of java JDK and continues with JBoss installation and basic configuration according to standard file system hierarchy. Also init.d. scripts configuration is given here.
  • 15 gotchas in seam
  • There seem to be a problem with IE8 and Seam applications. We are running Seam 2.1, JSF 1.2 and Facelets, and I cannot say for sure where the bug is. For all I know its a bug with IE8.

    There seem to be problems when creating long-running conversations. In link using IE8 the cid doesnt appear. Somehow it is stripped or doesn't render correctly, and it causes some strange behaviour.
    When trying to create a long running conversation by pushing an edit link for instance, we get a "Your session has timeout" exception.

    We fixed this IE8 problem by telling Internet Explorer to emulate IE7 in pages.xml

    <page view-id="*">
    <header name="X-UA-Compatible">IE=EmulateIE7</header>

    I suggest you do the same until the bug is identified and fixed.

links for 2011-05-20

21 05 2011
  • # import java.text.DateFormat;
    # import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    # import java.util.Calendar;
    # import java.util.Date;
    # // Java 1.4+ Compatible
    # //
    # // The following example code demonstrates how to get
    # // a Date object representing the first day of the month
    # // relative to a given Date object.
    # public class GetFirstDayOfMonth {
    # public static void main(String[] args) {
    # Date today = new Date();
    # Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
    # calendar.setTime(today);
    # calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
    # Date firstDayOfMonth = calendar.getTime();
    # DateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
    # System.out.println("Today : " + sdf.format(today));
    # System.out.println("First Day of Month: " + sdf.format(firstDayOfMonth));
    # }
    # }

links for 2011-05-13

14 05 2011
  • Command line: For anonymous sites, the format is cd

    To connect to a site with a password (non-anonymous),
    (This may return an error message if you did not specify a directory, but will connect you anyway.)
    Or type in the full path: cd

    Left / Right dropdown menu: will connect on that respective side. Arrow down to FTP link, or use hotkey P. A dialog box will request the FTP address in the same format:

links for 2011-05-11

12 05 2011