links for 2009-05-30

31 05 2009

links for 2009-05-29

30 05 2009

links for 2009-05-28

29 05 2009
  • Sometimes you do strange stuff with your Linux PC.
    I did yesterday, when I was expirimenting with what would happen if I would chmod /usr/bin/chmod to 000. That gave me some problems :P.

    Luckaly I had an old (dutch) Linux magazine lying around, and there was the solution! Thanx to: Linux Magazine

    If the CHMOD program is not executable anymore, you should start it via the Linker.
    I do not know what it is, but it worked. If someone knows, then please comment :).

    Execute this command:

    sudo /lib/ /bin/chmod 755 /bin/chmod

    If you're on another distro that doesn't need sudo, then just su.

    This also works for other programs, just as long you know the original path to it… (/bin/rm xD)

    Edit: 777 edited to 755,
    Here is another solution thanks to: Rainer Weikusat
    perl -e 'chmod(0755, "/bin/chmod")'

links for 2009-05-24

25 05 2009

links for 2009-05-21

22 05 2009

links for 2009-05-20

21 05 2009
  • Because on-line search databases typically contain only abstracts, it is vital to write a complete but concise description of your work to entice potential readers into obtaining a copy of the full paper. This article describes how to write a good computer architecture abstract for both conference and journal papers. Writers should follow a checklist consisting of: motivation, problem statement, approach, results, and conclusions. Following this checklist should increase the chance of people taking the time to obtain and read your complete paper.

links for 2009-05-19

20 05 2009
  • This video tutorial will explain how to losslessly convert any video file format, including quicktime .mov, flash .flv files, open source .ogv, .mp4, .wmv, .asf and more. I show you how to install ffmpeg, check the formats and codecs available to you, convert a file to a new format (windows media and .asf in this example) without any loss in quality during the decoding and encoding process, and create and run a script file that will enable you to run a batch conversion on any number of files at the same time.
  • Much like a vernacular, the universe of UNIX tools changes almost perpetually. New tools crop up frequently, while others are eternally modernized and adapted to suit emerging best practices. Certain tools are used commonly; others are used more infrequently. Some tools are perennial; occasionally, some are obsoleted outright. To speak UNIX fluently, you have to keep up with the "lingo."
  • C# and Java are fairly similar languages. They are similar enough that projects, such as our Encog project, can be converted to C#. Yet they are different enough that this is not always a 100% straight forward process. Additionally, there are several considerations to take into account so that your Java program does not look like a "Java Program converted to C#". C# programs support unique indexing options, properties and many other features that are not available to Java programs. For a true translation, it is important to use these as well.

links for 2009-05-13

14 05 2009
  • The project describes teaching process of multi-layer neural network employing backpropagation algorithm. To illustrate this process the three layer neural network with two inputs and one output,which is shown in the picture below, is used.
  • There is however, a thin line between being a victim and being an idiot. If you do not know you have a choice and bad things happen to you, then you are a victim.

    If you know you have a choice and still insist on personally using a system over and over again that will ultimately lead to the same problems….

    I think the descriptor of idiot is fair.

    You disagree? You know that Windows is the problem…you know that it's just a matter of time before you have to do it all over again. You know you have an alternative but you insist on putting the source of the problem back on your computer. You may be uncomfortable with the term "idiot"…you give me another name for it then.

  • Without consideration, without pity, without shame, they have built great and high walls around me. And now I sit here and despair. I think of nothing else: this fate gnaws at my mind; for I had many things to do outside .Ah, why did I not pay attention when they were building the walls? But I never heard any noise or sound of builders. Imperceptibly they shut me from the outside world. — Constantine P. Cavafy (1896).

links for 2009-05-12

13 05 2009

links for 2009-05-10

11 05 2009

links for 2009-05-06

7 05 2009
  • Some systems require the root password to boot into 'single' mode. In this case, try editing the grub boot line to add 'init=/bin/bash' to the end of the kernel line. This will boot you into a very basic system, using the bash shell instead of init. You may have to mount the root partition read/write:
    mount -no remount,rw /
    Then use passwd to reset the password.
    If grub is protected, try booting from a LiveCD or USB stick. Open a root shell, and use fdisk -l to show the available disk partitions. Mount the root partition with
    mount -o,rw /dev/hda1 /mnt
    Check it's the right directory with ls /mnt, then change into that as your root directory:
    chroot /mnt
    Now use passwd as before.

links for 2009-05-03

4 05 2009

links for 2009-05-01

2 05 2009

links for 2009-04-30

1 05 2009